I found out last night that i am pregnant... Unfortunately, I am not happy about it. I am not doing anything productive with my life at this time. I am a single mother of two children who is relying on state assistance to provide for them. Due to lives circumstances, neither one of their dads are involved in their lives. My son Alex is 7, his dad lives in New Mexico with his family. My daughter Natalie is 2, her dad is around town but we don't hear from him. I had two abortions already, and i think this is going to be my third. The dad has 8 other women who he has children with, i don't want to be the 9th. He isn't involved in any of their lives, and is about to go to jail any day now. I just made an appointment at Planned Parenthood for the 72 hr consent class that's required before you can schedule to have to abortion done. I believe i am not that far along yet but we will see...