
Showing posts from 2018

Damn diabetes...

I went to the doctors today and was informed that I definitely do have diabetes. Dr. Colby sent in a prescription. I know I have it, but have never taken care of it. I don't know the do's and don'ts so he sent in a referral to go see a dietitian for the diabetes class. Patti is so sweet, I guess she is going to go with me to the class cause its 4 hours long. It will be nice to know what a diabetic diet looks like, and the complications it can cause if its not managed during pregnancy. Colby told me to start a food journal and keep a log of my blood sugars cause he wants to see them at each visit.

My first doctor appointment

 I went to my first prenatal doctor appointment today. I met my case manager there, Patti. She will go with me to all my appointments.  It was a simple appointment, they asked me questions about my previous pregnancies and took some blood for testing. They did an ultrasound  and informed me i am  having a girl. We went and ate at Wingers after we left the doctors. She is a sweet woman.  S he informed me they offered support groups / scrap booking  on Tuesdays, and take us to do an activity on Thursdays for the birth moms when they get to their third trimester. I am not in my third trimester yet but i am anxious to meet other birth moms. I guess they have women come in from all over the states. Well I'm excited, until next time....

Heart to Heart Adoptions

I looked up  adoption agencies  online  today and one stood out to me, Heart to Heart Adoptions. I called this morning with lots of questions, and asked if I  could come in. I was an emotional wreck when I  walked thru their doors. I spilled my heart out to a woman name Patti, she was very understanding and sweet. She informed me that i can make the decision and list the father as unknown, which for my safety is what i plan to do. As i was filling out the paperwork today , she informed me that when the time comes, I  would get to pick your family . I t is comforting knowing I   have say in who your parents will be . I put on the paperwork I want a family who is financial stable, non LDS, doesn't live in Utah, strong education options, and the opportunity to travel. 

Abortion, Adoption, or Parent?

I went to the  P regnancy  R esource  C enter today, asking for help. The sweet nurse did an ultrasound verifying  I  am  definitely  pregnant. She provided me with a folder full of information about all of my options... Parent, Abortion, or Adoption. In the folder is a little book, "So i was thinking about adoption..." I started reading it. and a few pages into it,  I  started bawling my eyes out. I realize now that adoption is such a blessing.  t here  are  families who dream of becoming parents, and  I  could make a families dream come true. I don't know anything about the process but I plan on looking into soon . The only time I have heard of adoption is when kids are taken due to the parents not being fit to provide for the children.  I have been a mother for over 7 years, I'm 30 years old, no high school diploma, and no carrer job. I am a stay at home mom right now, relying on state assistance to help support Alex & Natalie. Our needs are met, barley. I d
I went to the 72 hour consent class that is required in the state of Utah to get an abortion. Since going I have scheduled to have it done 3 times and I couldn't bring myself to go. I don't know what is different this time, cause I have had two abortions when I was younger. I had my son Alex, 2 abortions, then Natalie, and then this pregnancy. I found a place that will give me an ultrasound for free so I go in the morning. I want to know how for along I am.


I found out last night that i am pregnant...  Unfortunately, I am not happy about it.  I am not doing anything productive with my life at this time. I am a single mother of two children who is relying on state assistance to provide for them. Due to lives circumstances, neither one of their dads are involved in their lives.  My son Alex is 7, his dad lives in New Mexico with his family. My daughter Natalie is 2, her dad is around town but we don't hear from him. I had two abortions already, and i think this is going to be my third. The dad has 8 other women who he has children with, i don't want to be the 9th. He isn't involved in any of their lives, and is about to go to jail any day now.  I just made an appointment at Planned Parenthood for the 72 hr consent class that's required before you can schedule to have to abortion done. I believe i am not that far along yet but we will see...